A pril is boring. I really wish it was at least May. I am so ready for summer!
B each chapel this thursday! :)
C an't breathe.. not sure if it's allergies or if i'm getting a cold
D ented the top of my laptop slightly :(
E xhausted from back to back schedules.
F inally feel forgiven. which means, time for a fresh start.
G ym.. i used to go everyday, now i go like twice a week -.-
H ills (the) is back on MTV! YAY!
I smelled like korean BBQ all day to day because of our BBQ sale.
J ungle gym: recently realized michelle can support all of my weight without struggle
K ineseology class. sometimes i wonder why we paid to be forced to wake up in the morning to exercise..
L aser died :( we buried him Egyptian style with all his favorite things.
M y shower radio is running out of batteries but i keep forgetting to change them!
N ew glasses. I liked them when i got them but now i think they're kinda ugly..
O kinawa, Japan! Im going to leave on May 25th
P hotograzing! AMAZING website i discovered recently
Q Q! i think you would only understand that if you watched Jake and Amir
R aised my geography grade to a C! not bad for never showing up to class..
S old my first item on ebay for $12.00 (Hello Kitty PJ pants)
T wo charcoal drawings due on Monday. Uh Oh..
U nderstanding basic concepts of christianity better. SMI is helping a lot.
V iumbe vyote.. stuck in my head for the last couple of sundays (its swahili)
W eekends seem shorter than ever now for some reason..
X usually stands for hugs. what happened to those?
Y ou can't get hurt if you don't care.
Z zZz.. I want to sleep early today but i refuse to sleep before 12:00AM