Monday, April 27, 2009

Busiest Week Ever..

Yesterday i realized that, thanks to my procrastination skills, I'm going to have the busiest freaking week ever!

- fall registration
- meeting with Nellie about the wedding on Saturday
- Write 3-4 page paper
- paper due!
- start on and finish 3 ink paintings
- improve the 2 charcoal drawings from last week
- 5 projects due!
- plan a 25-30 min presentation for thursday
- presentation day!
- work on game sketches
- give game sketches to "guy"
- dentist at 5:00pm
- Wedding 2pm-10pm (wedding coordinator assistant)
- Church Day

blehhhh! im going to have the best week ever -.- My brain is already in summer mode so this week of meeting deadlines and getting things done is going to destroy my mood.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Please Think Twice

Lately i've been noticing that there is a whole lot of misconception going on. It's really beginning to frustrate me how people only get to see one side of things. I guess it isn't entirely their fault, after all they're not choosing what they see. Which brings up the question, if this is what they see all the time, shouldn't their opinions/ideas about it be true? hmm.. actually, not entirely so. They see what they see ("it is what it is") but they fail to notice the other side of the story. The side that is masked under the entertainment of what's in front of them. It aggravates me so much knowing that you cant really do anything about it because you're basically being cornered into a stereotype. Have you ever wondered HOW things came to be the way they are? Think about it. I mean, seriously if you don't light a match, it wont set on fire on it's own right?! There has to be a CAUSE for an EFFECT! So how can you look at something and judge it by what you see all the time without taking into consideration on what happens when you AREN'T looking. COME ON GUYS! I feel like if this keeps happening I'm going to end up blowing up on someone and just furthering their misconception.

Monday, April 20, 2009

never ending cycle of torture

FINALLY finished my charcoal drawings! i think i literally spent at least 24 hrs on the in class still life -.- i kind of feel bad for not putting more effort into the homework assignment drawing but OH WELL! i am so tired of meeting deadlines and pulling all nighters! GAH!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Just when i thought i had my summer all planned out, i find myself in a difficult position! Basically, i am expected to make a decision that'll completely determine how my whole summer is spent. GAH! What am i going to do?! I need to give a definite answer by tomorrow afternoon D:

Option A:
- Go on a very needed vacation, or shall i say, escape from life for 2 weeks and go to Japan and Taiwan!
- Miss out on the end of the year banquet in May D:
- Go back to Pilot for internship/work and earn some money during the rest of my summer.

Option B:
- Don't go to Japan/Taiwan and Don't work :(
- Attend the Banquet in May
- Possibly take intercession (a summer school session that lasts for 3 weeks which starts right after finals and ends sometime around when the UC's get out of school)
- MAYBE go on summer missions to China

Monday, April 13, 2009

Alphabetical Update

A pril is boring. I really wish it was at least May. I am so ready for summer!
B each chapel this thursday! :)
C an't breathe.. not sure if it's allergies or if i'm getting a cold
D ented the top of my laptop slightly :(
E xhausted from back to back schedules.
F inally feel forgiven. which means, time for a fresh start.
G ym.. i used to go everyday, now i go like twice a week -.-
H ills (the) is back on MTV! YAY!
I smelled like korean BBQ all day to day because of our BBQ sale.
J ungle gym: recently realized michelle can support all of my weight without struggle
K ineseology class. sometimes i wonder why we paid to be forced to wake up in the morning to exercise..
L aser died :( we buried him Egyptian style with all his favorite things.
M y shower radio is running out of batteries but i keep forgetting to change them!
N ew glasses. I liked them when i got them but now i think they're kinda ugly..
O kinawa, Japan! Im going to leave on May 25th
P hotograzing! AMAZING website i discovered recently
Q Q! i think you would only understand that if you watched Jake and Amir
R aised my geography grade to a C! not bad for never showing up to class..
S old my first item on ebay for $12.00 (Hello Kitty PJ pants)
T wo charcoal drawings due on Monday. Uh Oh..
U nderstanding basic concepts of christianity better. SMI is helping a lot.
V iumbe vyote.. stuck in my head for the last couple of sundays (its swahili)
W eekends seem shorter than ever now for some reason..
X usually stands for hugs. what happened to those?
Y ou can't get hurt if you don't care.
Z zZz.. I want to sleep early today but i refuse to sleep before 12:00AM

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Things You People Say..

Thursday, April 9, 2009

RM 202

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Procrastination + Ditching = Failure

BLAH! i had two midterms today and i only had time to prepare for one. I spent last night/early this morning doing the study guide for geography and surprisingly it helped a lot (maybe because this time i actually put some effort into it) on the down side.. i had absolutely no time to study for political science. I wasn't too worried about it though because ironically i'm doing pretty well in that class! Geography on the other hand.. egh i haven't attended class since the last exam we took so you can imagine how well i'm doing in that class :) BUT! i think i did a lot better on my geography today. Hopefully that'll boost my grade up.. As for my drawing class, i'm glad that our project isn't due until the 20th. I feel like i can breathe for once. I'm pretty sure i've mentioned this before but we're doing a charcoal still life right now. It's my first time working with charcoal and i realized that i really enjoy working with charcoal despite how messy it can get -.-


Have you ever noticed how PRETTY Katy Perry is?
She has the cutest style too!

Monday, April 6, 2009

R.I.P Laser

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Revelation #1

I think after a while you get to a point where you get tired of trying to fix things. I wouldn't call it giving up, it's just realizing you don't need certain people in your life if they don't need you.

Friday, April 3, 2009

KooKoo for cooking

So... how the heck did Friday come so quickly..? "But it's a monday!" i disappointed myself like 3 times last night. Time seems to go faster as the older you get. I remember in elementary school spring break felt like two weeks and now.. spring break feels like another weekend -.- I can't exactly complain though. I had a pretty eventful week. Anyways, this post wasn't supposed to be about spring break. Like my political science professor always says, "i have digressed."
One thing i like about being home is having access to a kitchen! It stinks being limited to only a microwave and a dinky fridge that can't even fit ice cream in the freezer.. I like having the OPTION of cooking. For the past two days i've been making myself breakfast. I realized that my idea of a perfect breakfast consists of one slice of toast with a slice of melted Tilamook cheddar cheese, topped with an over easy egg and a cold cup of juice on the side. YUM :) it can't get any better than that.