Thursday, November 13, 2008

Warning: female content

i'm on the 2nd day of my rag.
i had a delicious brownie with whipped cream during lunch.
and i feel/i am extremely fat.
i have my sulking playlist on full blast.
and i don't want to do anything.
infact, i don't exactly plan on going to my 2nd class.
i was late for my morning class.
For some reason my phone was on silent
so i didn't hear my 4 alarms going off (-__-!)
(i hate it when that happens)
by the time i got to class i was a half hour late.
I ended up sitting outside because i didn't want to rudely interrupt our guest speaker.
Luckily i was able to sneak in after class and turn in my journal entry.
(so i guess i got credit for the day without even being there)

bleh. this is pathetic.
i need to do something.
i want to go ride a bike at the beach.

1 comment:

Marina Liu said...

ROFL THAT BEAR! They painted it pink? Or is that not in Huntington...? I think 'rag' is such an ugly way of saying period. Yuck! Why can't you be visited by Aunt Flo? LOLOLL I missed my second class today, too... and I slept through 4 alarms except it wasn't on silent HAHAHA