And it's amazing how many times i was reminded of that this week.
I can't wait for finals week to be over.
school is the last thing i want to think about.
I have decided not to work this break.
I could really use the money,
but i think i should use the break to collect myself instead.
I feel like i need to find myself.. you know what i mean?
and hopefully with new years approaching, it will motivate me to do so.
I need to start thinking about what really matters to me.
I need to re-examine the relationships i have right now.
and I definitely need to learn how to control myself.
then, maybe, i could set my priorities straight.
I'm tired and I'm hurt.
I know that there is only ONE thing that can help me.
but i don't know if I'm strong enough to give everything up and just rely on trust.
all I know is that I don't need another reason to wear my glasses.