Where did my day go?
The airplane took off around 2:30pm
My flight was 4 hours long
when i arrived in Georgia it was 9:00pm
how does that happen you might ask?
time zone shifts suck when you are traveling east..
it's as if i my plane was a time machine and i fast forwarded through my day :P
traveling alone wasn't as bad as i thought it would be
it's kind of fun being alone and semi-lost :)
it's like an adventure!
luckily we had mini TVs on the back of the airplane seats
otherwise i don't know what i would have done during those hours
i had the pleasure of watching Spongebob and the foodnetwork to pass the time
and since i didn't get to eat lunch i bought a 'Flight Delight' box
it was super cuteee i should've taken a picture of it!
It was basically a box of snacks and it came with pita chips, hummus, dried apricots, a Toberlone bar, a mini deck of cards, almonds, and a Cliff bar. Yummy :9
blehh im too tired to write about the rest of my night.
just know we went to Vortex and had delicious monstrous burgers!